The Challenges of a GMP Consultant
Why would you leave a steady job to become a GMP consultant? Suzzane Studinger gives the answers in this Qualitalks Podcast episode.
The Death of Quality Yuval Shapiro
Yuval Shapiro is the founder of Quality with Value Ltd. A company that provides QA/RA for Medical Devices Services.
Yuval is a Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Expert and consultant for products and companies primarily related to medical devices and telecom sectors. Additionally, he is a black belt Six Sigma certified from Johnson & Johnson.
In this podcast episode, he discusses with Yan Kugel the history and evolution of Quality and why we are witnessing the death of Quality in his opinion. Then, he explains how to save it!
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Tagged as: Yuval Shapiro, Death of Quality, GMP, Quality, Medical Devices.
Yuval Shapiro is the founder of Quality with Value Ltd. A company that provides QA/RA for Medical Devices Services. Yuval is a Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs Expert and consultant for products and companies primarily related to medical devices and telecom sectors. Additionally, he is a black belt Six Sigma certified from Johnson & Johnson.
Suzanne Studinger April 11, 2021
Why would you leave a steady job to become a GMP consultant? Suzzane Studinger gives the answers in this Qualitalks Podcast episode.
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